| Quite Bright | Do not come to PLU if you want to live in a beautiful and hospitable off-campus community Education Quality: A+, Surrounding City: C- | | | | |
| | This school is not a school for international students. Tacoma is the most borring city in Washington state. People here are very religous and arrogant. If you looking for fun come to this school because people here are just rich snoobs. I going to transfer to another school soon. This school is real expenses fot being such a stupid school. Preparedness: -, Reputation: - | | | | | | Bright | I strongly believe in a college education. However as you mature in life your desires and career ambitions may change. Don't get yourself in trouble by spending your life fortune on your first degree. Starting Job: Restaurant Manager, Preparedness: C-, Reputation: B | | | | |